What is Fish with Heart all about?

Fish with Heart is about never giving up and putting your Heart into everything you do. In August of 2018 while fishing and playing baseball I became ill. The day before my 34th birthday i got the bad news being diagnosed with stage 4 heart failure . I was not going to give up and be defeated. I went on and spent 2 months in mass general hospital and received a lvad pump in my heart to help keep me alive till a donor heart became available. So even being hooked up to a pump and batteries I was not giving up on what I love to do! I continued to fish and even played mens armature baseball with the Lvad. I started fish with heart YouTube to follow my journey and to inspire others to never give up and put your heart into it! I then spread to social media. Dec 2019 i received a new heart. 

Update! My new heart began to fail and I was back in the hospital September 2022 to Nov 26th 2022. I received a SECOND Heart transplant Nov 5th . Again Never GIve Up No excuses!

With now being very sensitive to sunlight I started messing around with spf shirts to keep me safe. People have shown interest so here we are making in available to  others. Also in the hopes of spreading heart failure awareness. Also if your not already please sign up to become a donor. Save a life

So no matter what happens in life or curveball is thrown your way , never give up and put your whole heart into what you love to do. 

- Fish with Heart

Owner Mark Cibulski Jr